YouTube For Dummies

...for Dummies

YouTube For Dummies takes the classic Dummies tact in helping tech novices get a handle on a popular technology that more tech-savvy audiences consider "simple." With so much content on YouTube getting media attention, more first-timers are jumping on the site and they need help. The book also helps the next step audience of users looking to add content to YouTube. Content includes: Watching the Tube - includes getting your PC ready for YouTube viewing, finding video, signing up for an account, and creating favorites. Loading Video to YouTube—covers the nuts and bolts of shooting video, transferring it to a PC, editing it, and sending it up to YouTube. Bringing Along YouTube—covers the various ways you can use YouTube video in places other than on the site. Includes mobile YouTube and adding videos to your MySpace page or another Web site. I Always Wanted To Direct—explores how to use YouTube's directors program to upload longer video, use the site for marketing, or launch your own videoblog.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 4 book editions

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Jul, 2007

Feb, 2011

Oct, 2007

Aug, 2007

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