The GRE Test for Dummies, Fifth Edition

...for Dummies

Whether you’re a college senior or someone who graduated years ago, you’ll want this friendly guide to help you ace the GRE and get into the grad school of your choice. Suzee Vlk, a test-prep guru with nearly thirty years of coaching experience supplies you with: Up-to-date sample questions Two complete practice tests Guidance on how to approach each type of question Tips on how to avoid test tricks and traps Relaxation techniques that keep you calm and focused Hints on how to beat the clock Comprehensive reviews of the basics in all categories With Suzee as your guide, you’ll discover how to think the GRE. You’ll identify the point behind each of the various styles and types of questions and understand what each is meant to test. And you’ll gain the confidence you need to: Have the last word on sentence completions, antonyms, analogies, reading comprehension, and analytical writing questions Take the full measure of the geometry and algebra questions Hand in an incomparable performance on quantitative comparison and problem-solving questions Revised to address the test’s new computer-adaptive format, The GRE Test For Dummies arms you with everything you need to vanquish the beast standing between you and the graduate program of your choice.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

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