iMac For Dummies

...for Dummies

Congratulations! When you bought that shiny new anodized aluminum iMac, you made a great choice. Now you want take advantage and control of that baby's awesome speed, high performance, powerful operating system, and fantastic applications, and iMac for Dummies, 5th Edition is here to help you do just that! This easy-to-use guide covers both the iMac's splendid, cutting-edge hardware and Leopard, the latest version of Apple’s superb Mac OS X operating system. It gives you the basic information that every iMac owner should know and then moves on to explore the software that comes with your iMac. And, everywhere you look, you'll find plenty of power-user tips and tricks that’ll save you time, effort, and money. You'll find out how to: Set up and customize your iMac Import files from your old computer Send and receive mail Store, and organize digital photos, music, and video Back up your system with Time Machine Browse the Internet with Safari Keep in touch with iChat Make your iMac a digital media hub with iLife Connect your iMac to a wireless network Troubleshoot problems Keep your iMac safe and secure Your iMac is an elegant and sophisticated machine — and as fast, powerful, and easy-to-use as a computer can be. With the help you get from iMac For Dummies, 5th Edition you'll be an iMac power user in no time!

Part of the series ...for Dummies

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Dec, 1999

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