The Internet For Dummies

...for Dummies

Now updated to cover the latest browsers, including Internet Explorer 7 and the newest version of Firefox Packed with new information on the latest Internet trends, including talking over the Internet using Skype, having fun on MySpace, building a simple Web page, sharing photos on Flickr, and posting and viewing videos on YouTube Includes coverage of browsers, search engines, music and video sites, shopping, financial services, file downloads, e-mail, instant messaging, viruses, spam, and creating a personal Web site or blog

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 25 book editions

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Used: $17.04
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Used: $30.15
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Used: $17.22
Feb, 1998
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Used: $30.26
Jan, 1997
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Used: $17.49
Dec, 1995
New: $64.49

Used: $20.16

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