Weight training for dummies

...for Dummies

A properly executed strength or weight lifting regimen can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stabilize your blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase your strength, and more. Weight Training For Dummies, Third Edition, is packed with all the information you need to start your own personalized weight training program and get yourself into peak condition fast. You’ll find out about: Circuit and resistance training 20-minute weight training routines The newest and best weight training equipment Combining weight training with other exercise Gender differences in weight training goals and routines Specific approaches for baby boomers and seniors just starting out Using weight training to address specific health conditions Preventing injuries Weight training for children and teens If you’re getting pumped about weight training, don’t delay. Buy Weight Training for Dummies, Third Edition today, and you’ll be in shape in no time!

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 7 book editions

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Mar, 2011

Jan, 2015
New: $36.49

Used: $31.22
Dec, 2014
New: $27.99

United States Feb, 2006
New: $52.57

Used: $22.89
Sep, 2000
New: $67.22

Used: $23.38
May, 1997
New: $85.38

Used: $27.31
May, 1997

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