VBA for Dummies

...for Dummies

VBA For Dummies is a real card-carrying Dummies title with its fresh, conversational and irreverent style, yet it still covers VBA programming with real depth and accuracy. The book starts with a brief background on VBA and an explanation of key jargon and theoretical concepts. Then you jump right into the practical programming covering topics such as: VBA development environment; Visual Basic Editor; Meat and potatoes coding techniques; Database programming with VBA; Detailed Microsoft Office-specific tips and tricks; and Coverage of non-Microsoft VBA applications, including CorelDraw and Word Perfect. Not all applications instantly give developers what they need out of the box. VBA For Dummies, 3rd Edition makes it easy for programmers to customize software from Microsoft and others with Visual Basic for Applications.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 5 book editions and 1 video edition

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Jan, 2007
New: $51.51

Used: $24.69
Oct, 2003
New: $183.27

Used: $24.76
Jun, 2001

Used: $17.83
Aug, 1999
New: $173.15

Used: $23.57

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