Leadership for dummies

...for Dummies

Yogi Berra said that leading is easy, the hard part is getting people to follow. Never were truer words spoken. As anybody who’s ever been in a leadership position knows, eliciting cooperation from a group of people of any size—from a project team to an army—can be like trying to tap dance on quick sand. And while leadership definitely comes easier to some people, it isn’t something you have to be born with. In fact, as the authors of this step-by-step guide to becoming a leader demonstrate, leaders are made, not born, and just about anybody can become an effective leader. Whether you aspire to being a leader, have had leadership thrust upon you, or are already a leader and want to be better at it, Leadership For Dummies is for you. Short on theory and long on practical strategies and surefire techniques, it arms you with what you need to: Build and flex your leadership muscles See opportunity amid change and crisis Develop your own leadership style Lead with communication, encouragement, and promotion Recognize the ten telltale behaviors of true leaders Earn greater respect, success, and recognition Teacher, preacher, coach, project leader...no matter what specific leadership role you wish to fill, Leadership For Dummies provides you with a solid foundation on which to build. You’ll discover: What it takes to be a leader and understanding your own leadership potential How to be flexible and adaptive without compromising your principles Understanding leadership as an ongoing process and preparing to assume the role of leader Leadership in everyday life—including tips on volunteering and taking a more active role in your family, community, and the world at large What vision is, why it is so necessary to great leadership, and how to develop it How to create winning teams and keep them following your lead Yes, you have what it takes to be an effective leader. Now let Leadership For Dummies show you how to connect with it and be a mover and shaker in your own right.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 3 book editions

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Dec, 2010

United States Aug, 1999

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