JavaScript for Dummies

...for Dummies

Responding to reader feedback, the author has thoroughly revamped the book with more step-by-step coverage of JavaScript basics, an exclusive focus on Internet Explorer, and many complete sample scripts Updated to cover JavaScript 1.5, the latest release of this popular Web scripting language Using lots of examples, including a sample working Web site, the book shows how to create dynamic and interactive pages, build entire sites, and automate pages

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 4 book editions and 1 video edition

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Jul, 1997
New: $256.99

Nov, 2004
New: $136.32

Used: $24.34
Oct, 2000
New: $62.27

Used: $26.33
Jul, 1997
New: $85.73

Used: $24.70
Oct, 1996
New: $202.56

Used: $25.56

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