Commodities For Dummies (For Dummies
...for Dummies
Amine Bouchentouf
Since 2002, commodities have outperformed every other asset class including stocks, mutual funds and real estate. If you’re itching to get in on the fun and profit, Commodities For Dummies is the resource you need to find out how to break into the commodities market and understand how to trade and prosper. You’ll discover: How commodities stack up against other investment vehicles How to identify, manage, and overcome risk The pros and cons of futures, equities, ETFs and mutual funds Specific techniques for analyzing and trading in commodities Powerful profits in energy—crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and alternatives What you need to know about trading in metals—precious and not-so-precious How to grow your portfolio with farm products Featuring time-tested rules for investment success, this comprehensive, user-friendly guide helps you minimize risk, maximize profit, and find the shortest route to Easy Street.
Part of the series ...for Dummies
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