Bartending For Dummies

...for Dummies

This latest edition of Bartending For Dummies features over 1,000 drink recipes in an A-Z format with clear, easy-to-follow instructions. This 4th Edition also provides: Detailed information on how to properly stock a bar Expanded coverage on making exotic frozen/blended specialties, specialty coffees, and hot toddies Tips on creating unique punches and even non-alcoholic drinks Helpful information about experimenting with the latest flavored rums and vodkas including apple, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, grape, mango, and watermelon Fun, new ways to garnish, rim, and serve drinks like a master mixologist The latest tips and advice on curing hangovers and hiccups Advice on choosing the right and latest glassware and mixers New recipes covering the hottest shooters such as After Five, Candy Corn, Jelly Bean, and more A new section on festive holiday cocktails such as the Grinch and Candy Cane Martini

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 15 book editions

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Sep, 2010

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Used: $18.66
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Oct, 2006
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Sep, 2006

Sep, 2003
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Sep, 2000
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Used: $18.79
Sep, 1997
New: $52.37

Used: $16.10

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