eBay For Dummies

...for Dummies

eBay is the world’s marketplace! If you’re ready to turn your hobby into an online business, Marsha Collier knows exactly how to help. Packed with proven techniques for boosting your business, Starting an eBay Business For Dummies, 3rd Edition includes the steps to success that you’ll want to know. More than a million people are earning regular income on eBay. Those who are earning the most know how to set up a business, find and manage inventory, use auction management software to best advantage, get freebies on shipping, and run their businesses professionally. Marsha Collier was one of the first, and she shares all the secrets she’s learned. In this fun and easy guide to getting your online business off and running, you’ll discover how to: Attract more bidders to your auctions Set up a professional business Find out what sells and what doesn’t Increase bidder confidence with strong listings Price your items to sell Reduce your costs by shipping more efficiently Work with a PayPal account and collect your money Understand legal issues such as taxes and licenses Keep appropriate records Improve your image with outstanding customer service Marsha Collier has been so successful with her home-based business that she educated her daughter on the profits and today is one of the stars of the eBay community. Along with plenty of solid information and time-and-money-saving tips, she’ll give you the confidence you need to become an eBay entrepreneur.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

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Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011

Jun, 2009

May, 2007

Dec, 2019
New: $42.37

Used: $39.73
Nov, 2019
New: $32.99

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May, 2016

United States Jan, 2012
New: $48.47

Used: $17.17
Dec, 2011

Jun, 2009
New: $94.82

Used: $18.23
United Kingdom Sep, 2007
New: $167.32

Used: $28.56
United Kingdom Nov, 2006
New: $57.08

Used: $18.34
Sep, 2004
New: $76.85

Used: $19.62
Jul, 2004

Jan, 2004
New: $63.22

Used: $22.90
Mar, 2002
New: $38.96

Used: $18.91
Dec, 2001
New: $44.18

Used: $20.34
Sep, 2000
New: $78.66

Used: $27.94

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