Knitting for Dummies

...for Dummies

This friendly, hands-on guide to knitting explains knitting techniques, includes sample patterns and practice projects, and features tips on how to decipher knitting patterns and fix common knitting mistakes.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 10 book editions

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Feb, 2014

Nov, 2008

Jan, 2007

Used: $28.54
United States Nov, 2013
New: $79.24

Used: $18.04
Oct, 2013

Nov, 2008

United Kingdom Oct, 2008
New: $65.86

Used: $20.57
Apr, 2008
New: $282.47

Used: $56.45
Jan, 2007
New: $42.10

Used: $36.68
Jan, 2002
New: $49.09

Used: $22.85

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