Mutual funds for dummies

...for Dummies

Sooner or later, we all need to plan for our financial futures. The rich can afford personal financial advisors to help them out — but what about the rest of us? Offering you instant diversification and low-cost access to some of the best money managers in the business, mutual funds are the great equalizers. The problem is, with 10,000 mutual funds to choose from, even experienced investors can suffer from information overload. To make them work for you, you need expert advice from someone who knows mutual funds inside and out and who understands how they can help you realize your unique financial goals. Mutual Funds For Dummies, 4th Edition is just the ticket. Written by leading financial journalist and author Eric Tyson, it cuts through mutual fund confusion and shows you how to make your money work harder for you. It quickly gets you up to speed on how to: Pick the best funds and avoid the losers Avoid common pitfalls Assemble and maintain a portfolio Select the best stock funds for growth Choose bond and money funds for long-term security Access mutual fund information online Mutual Funds For Dummies, 4th Edition offers you a unique opportunity to cash in on the investment savvy of a personal financial expert. Chock-full of useful examples and insider tips of the trade, it helps you navigate the mutual funds landscape and tells you what you need to know about: Making sure a fund you like is managed properly New tax law changes and new theories on socially responsible investing Finding great funds and where to buy them Establishing a solid fund portfolio Knowing when to sell, buy, or hold Understanding tax forms for mutual funds Fixing common fund problems Making sense of fund ratings Investment gurus and financial newsletters Money management software, investment research software, and retirement planning software Getting information on the Web Whether you’re growing a retirement nest egg or saving for your kids’ education, you can’t go wrong when you invest in Mutual Funds For Dummies, 4th Edition.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

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