Diabetes For Dummies
...for Dummies
Sarah Jarvis
Bestseller! Features new information on metabolic syndrome Take control of your diabetes and live well Don't just survive – thrive! That's the message of this state-of-the-art guide to diabetes management, now updated to include the latest advances in therapy for diabetes and its complications. From causes, symptoms, and side effects to treatments and diet, this book delivers sound advice on staying fit and feeling great. Understand and manage diabetes Choose a diet plan that suits you Prevent long-term complications Care for someone who has diabetes Manage high blood pressure, cholesterol, and kidney problems ". . . diabetic patients . . . should arm themselves with sugar cubes, glucose tablets, boiled sweets . . . but also with a copy of Diabetes For Dummies . . ." —Dr Thomas Stuttaford, The Times ". . . combines clarity with depth and detail . . ." —Yoga and Health magazine
Part of the series ...for Dummies
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