Weather for Dummies

...for Dummies

What’s going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in and the lightning flashes? How do hurricanes arise and where to tornadoes come from? Why do seasonal conditions sometimes vary so much from one year to the next? Our ways of life, our very existences depend on knowing the answers to questions like these. Economies have been wiped out, civilizations have risen and fallen, entire species have come into being or gone extinct because of a temperature shift of just a few degrees, or a brief shortage or glut of rainfall. With so much riding on the weather, it makes you wonder how you’ve lived this long without knowing more about it. Don’t worry it’s never too late to find out about what makes the weather tick. And there’s never been an easier or more enjoyable way to learn than Weather For Dummies. In know time, you’ll know enough of weather basics to be able to: Identify cloud types Make sense of seasonal differences in the weather Understand what causes hurricanes, tornadoes, and other extreme events Make your own weather forecasts Avoid danger during severe weather Understand the global warming debate Get a handle on smog, the greenhouse effect, El Niño, and more Award-winning science writer John D. Cox brings the science of meteorology down to earth and, with the help of dozens of cool maps and charts and stunning photographs of weather conditions, he covers a wide range of fascinating subjects, including: What is weather and how it fits into the entire global ecosystem What goes into making a professional daily weather forecast The basic elements of weather, including air pressure, clouds, and humidity Storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, and other extreme forms of weather Seasonal weather effects and why they vary Lightening, rainbows, sundogs, haloes, and other special effects Featuring clear explanations, stunning illustrations, and fun, easy experiments and activities you can do at home , Weather For Dummies is your guide to making sense of the baffling turmoil of the ever-changing skies above.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 3 book editions and 1 video edition

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Sep, 2000

Aug, 2021
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Used: $35.40
Mar, 2011

Oct, 2000
New: $81.89

Used: $29.52

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