Horses for dummies

...for Dummies

Features new full-color photos and online resources Train, care for, and have fun with your horse If you're crazy about horses, this hands-on guide is all you need to giddy up and go. Featuring updates on breeds, boarding, nutrition, equipment, training, and riding, as well as new information on various equine conditions, this resource shows you how to keep your horse happy - and take your riding skills to the next level. Discover how to * Select the right horse for you * Feed, groom, and handle your horse * Recognize common horse ailments * Have fun in the saddle * Get involved in equestrian competitions

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 5 book editions

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Mar, 2011
New: $28.99

May, 2007

Oct, 2005
New: $28.99

Sep, 2005
New: $61.43

Used: $28.79
Jun, 1999
New: $106.13

Used: $24.72

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