Second Homes for Dummies

...for Dummies

Thinking about owning a second home? Whether you want a relaxing getaway spot, a future retirement home, or just a place to rent out for profit, having a second home has always been a good investment. But how will you know where to look, how to invest, and what you need to avoid? Second Homes For Dummies gives you the tools you need to handle the entire second-home buying process from concept to completion! This book covers the bases and the basics of buying a second home, presenting all information in a logical and modular format so you can find just what you need on the subjects that interest you. You’ll find out everything you need to know to: Determine whether or not a second home is right for you Maximize your options for a second home Search for a home and find the money to pay for it Rent out your home for profit Renovate and maintain it to ensure its growing value Make your second home your primary home Look for and purchase a home in another country Also provided are a list of the best places in the world to buy a home, ways to improve your home and make it first rate, and rules that you should talk about with your guests. With Second Homes For Dummies, you can make your dream of having a second home come true!

Part of the series ...for Dummies

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