Time management for dummies

...for Dummies

Do you have a habit of coming to work early, staying late, and working on your weekends? How many times have you used the excuse "There's just not enough time in the day to get everything done?" Probably more often than you'd care to admit! Well, now you don't need any excuses for not accomplishing everything you've set out to do -- not when you have Time Management For Dummies, 2nd Edition, as your trusty resource. You'll be amazed at what you can get done each and every day when you discover the timesaving tips, techniques, ideas, and strategies in this book. If you want to become more effective, efficient, and productive, then this book is one of the best time investments you can make. Dubbed ?Mr. Neat the Clutterbuster? by USA Today, author Jeffrey J. Mayer gives you hundreds of timesaving tips that can help you save at least an hour a day. You also find the latest word on time-management tools as well as valuable tips on organizing your life at home and improving your ability to communicate effectively. So if you want to be more productive, get better organized, and still make it home in time for dinner, then discover how to pace yourself with Time Management For Dummies, 2nd Edition.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 5 book editions

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Mar, 1997

Used: $13.99
May, 1999
New: $61.88

Used: $19.78
Dec, 1996
New: $209.21

Used: $75.62
Nov, 1995
New: $32.67

Used: $13.13
Apr, 1995
New: $56.12

Used: $18.66

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