Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Dummies

...for Dummies

Free at last! Finally, someone has come along to free you from your keyboard. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking, the miraculous voice-recognition software in your computer, you can browse the Web, control your applications, control your desktop, write documents, and more without ever once laying finger to plastic. But don’t run out and get yourself fitted for that Star Fleet uniform just yet, cadet. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the most accurate voice recognition software on the market, and while it really does deliver on all its claims, it can be very finicky, and getting top results can be tricky. The complete guide to the care of feeding or your Dragon, Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies is a must-have companion for voice-recognition trailblazers who are ready to: Kiss that keyboard goodbye and say hello to hands-free computing Verbally control your Windows desktop and most applications Dictate, edit, format and proofread documents in Word and WordPerfect Browse the Web and compose and send email by voice Use a pocket digital recorder on the run Here’s all you need to fire up your Dragon and get it dancing to your tune. Your total guide to installing, configuring, fine-tuning and getting the most out of that amazing voice recognition software, Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies covers all the bases, including: Installing, configuring, and launching your Dragon Dictating, editing, proofreading, and formatting documents in NaturallySpeaking Recording speech onto the NaturallySpeaking recorder and transcribing recorded speech Dictating into other applications Controlling your desktop and windows by voice Using NaturalWord for Word and WordPerfect Browsing the Web, emailing and faxing by voice Managing databases hands-free Maximizing voice recognition accuracy Having multiple users and vocabularies Adding specialized items and verbal shortcuts to Dragon’s vocabulary With the introduction of Dragon NaturallySpeaking the old dream of hands-free computing has finally become reality. Now let Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies show you how to give your Dragon wings and make it soar.

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Oct, 1999

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