Turbo Twenty-Three

Stephanie Plum Novels #23

Speed is the name of the game as Stephanie Plum returns in Turbo Twenty-Three--the thrilling, fast-paced new adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich.

Booko found 21 book editions

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Mar, 2019

Oct, 2017
New: $437.21

Used: $32.52
Sep, 2017

Nov, 2016

Nov, 2016
New: $11.99

Nov, 2016

Nov, 2016
New: $45.98

Nov, 2016
New: $43.22

Used: $27.43

Nov, 2017
New: $40.36

Used: $36.08
Sep, 2017
New: $21.29

Used: $21.36
Sep, 2017
New: $21.60

Used: $17.30
Nov, 2016
New: $54.70

Used: $132.61
Nov, 2016

Nov, 2016
New: $11.99

Nov, 2016

Used: $15.90
Nov, 2016

Nov, 2016
New: $11.99

Nov, 2016
New: $39.45

Used: $27.43
Nov, 2016
New: $60.62

Used: $20.74

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