Smokin' Seventeen

Stephanie Plum Novels #17

When dead bodies start showing up in shallow graves near Vincent Plum Bail Bonds, bounty hunter Stephanie Plum tries to find the killer before she is the next target, while working to choose between the two men in her life.

Booko found 17 book editions

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Nov, 2013

Mar, 2012

Used: $42.82
Jun, 2011

Jun, 2011
New: $11.99

Jun, 2011

Jan, 2011

Mar, 2013

Used: $19.88
United Kingdom Nov, 2011
New: $20.99

Used: $14.00
Jun, 2011
New: $11.99

United Kingdom Jun, 2011
New: $341.21

Used: $14.50
United States Jun, 2011
New: $25.00

Used: $23.33
United Kingdom Jun, 2011
New: $284.21

Used: $17.43
Jun, 2011
New: $53.83

Used: $17.64
Jun, 2011
New: $60.48

Used: $49.41

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