Fearless Fourteen

Stephanie Plum Novels #14

Personal vendettas, hidden treasure, and a monkey named Carl will send bounty hunter Stephanie Plum on her most explosive adventure yet.

Booko found 46 book editions

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May, 2016
New: $148.21

Used: $35.17
May, 2015

May, 2015
New: $93.99

Jun, 2014

Used: $205.95
Jun, 2014

Jan, 2012

Used: $21.56
Oct, 2011
New: $11.99

Jun, 2011

Jun, 2010

Used: $29.67
Jun, 2009
New: $39.48

Mar, 2009

Mar, 2009

Jun, 2008

Jun, 2008
New: $54.38

Jun, 2008
New: $11.99

Jun, 2008

Jun, 2008

Jun, 2008

Jun, 2008
New: $76.74

Used: $37.33
Jun, 2008

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