Ten Big Ones

Stephanie Plum Novels #10

In a new adventure by the author of To the Nines, bounty hunter Stephanie Plum witnesses a gang-executed robbery and police officer shooting and finds herself targeted by a California-based killer looking to claim the price that is subsequently placed on her head. Reprint.

Booko found 64 book editions

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Jul, 2022

Feb, 2021

Dec, 2020

Mar, 2015
New: $40.00

Used: $21.52
Jun, 2014

Apr, 2010
New: $11.99

Apr, 2010

Apr, 2010

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Aug, 2007

Used: $81.33
Jun, 2007

Used: $25.34
Mar, 2006

Used: $20.10
Feb, 2006
New: $45.91

Used: $20.50
Jun, 2005
New: $44.93

May, 2005

Jun, 2004

Jun, 2004
New: $115.06

Jun, 2004

United Kingdom Jun, 2004
New: $73.38

Used: $16.50
May, 2004

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