Finger Lickin' Fifteen

Stephanie Plum Novels #15

When Lula witnesses celebrity chef Stanley Chipotle literally losing his head, she and Stephanie must find the killer before Lula becomes the next victim, while Ranger asks for Stephanie's help to find out who is leaking client information from within his

Booko found 24 book editions

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Feb, 2011
New: $39.92

Feb, 2011

Used: $37.81
Jun, 2010

Oct, 2009

Jun, 2009

Jun, 2009

Used: $41.49
Jun, 2009

Jun, 2009

Jun, 2009

Jun, 2009
New: $11.99

Jul, 2012
New: $141.21

Jun, 2010
New: $22.31

Used: $14.95
Jun, 2010
New: $46.00

Used: $14.88
Apr, 2010
New: $126.31

Used: $22.77
Oct, 2009

Oct, 2009

Jun, 2009
New: $13.00

Used: $15.26
Jun, 2009
New: $64.37

Used: $19.68

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