One for the Money

Stephanie Plum Novels #1

Stephanie Plum is is a failed lingerie buyer, newly turned bond agent. Her first job is to find Morrelli, a policeman/murder suspect on the run and her childhood sweetheart. Real menace enters the story when Stephanie attracts the psychopathic attentions of boxer Benito Ramirez.

Booko found 138 book editions and 1 video edition

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Apr, 2016

Jun, 2014

Jun, 2014

Jun, 2013

Used: $25.81
Apr, 2012

Apr, 2012

Apr, 2012

Mar, 2012

Feb, 2012
New: $170.21

Used: $13.71
Dec, 2011
New: $102.66

Used: $70.39
Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Germany Nov, 2011

Used: $22.46
Jun, 2011

Dec, 2010

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