Explosive Eighteen

Stephanie Plum Novels #18

A latest entry in the best-selling series that includes Sizzlin' Sixteen, Finger Lickin' Fifteen and Smokin' Seventeen finds bounty hunter Stephanie Plum once again on an exciting and page-turning adventure.

Booko found 36 book editions

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Oct, 2017

May, 2015
New: $32.47

Used: $37.56
Jun, 2014
New: $13.49

Jun, 2014

Used: $25.84
Jan, 2014

Dec, 2013

Used: $87.99
May, 2012

May, 2012

Dec, 2011

Dec, 2011
New: $25.89

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Used: $46.00
Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011
New: $11.99

Nov, 2011

Jan, 2011

New: $52.40

Used: $29.91

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