Visions of Sugar Plums

Stephanie Plum Novels #8.5

A holiday adventure finds Stephanie Plum struggling to remove an intruder from her apartment and falling for a mysterious newcomer.

Booko found 15 book editions

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Dec, 2015

United Kingdom Nov, 2007

Used: $18.60
Oct, 2007
New: $48.95

Used: $19.80
Nov, 2003
New: $69.53

Used: $12.64
Nov, 2003

Nov, 2003
New: $109.62

Used: $12.73
Nov, 2003
New: $40.21

Dec, 2002
New: $136.99

Used: $118.20
Dec, 2002
New: $91.61

Used: $76.26
Dec, 2002

Used: $18.37
Dec, 2002
New: $51.08

Used: $12.95
Nov, 2002
New: $39.68

Used: $24.21
Nov, 2002
New: $132.48

Used: $27.71

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