
World of Art

This is an epoch-making book, documenting the entire evolution of Matisse’s art, written by the world's leading authority on the artist. The clear, authoritative and consistently exciting text is illuminated by over 900 magnificent illustrations, including scores of works never before reproduced.

Part of the series World of Art

Booko found 10 book editions

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Jan, 1994

Nov, 1987

Used: $32.37
Jan, 2004
New: $73.09

Used: $74.73
Jun, 1993

Used: $34.97
Nov, 1984

Used: $116.26
Nov, 1984
New: $272.87

Used: $92.41
Nov, 1996
New: $194.53

Used: $37.01
Oct, 2002

Nov, 1996
New: $55.30

Used: $43.11
Jan, 1993
New: $569.21

Used: $77.80

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