Baroque and Rococo

World of Art

Baroque and Rococo art and architecture have become popular once more, after a century and a half of neglect, misunderstanding and scorn. This radical shift in taste has led to a rapid growth of detailed knowledge about the artists who created these exhilarating styles. The famous masters have been reassessed and whole areas of achievement--Italian Baroque painting, German Rococo architecture--have been brought to a new, enthusiastic public. Germain Bazin's engaging survey of this rich subject ranges over all Europe and traces the origins and effects of these two periods of art--from the Counter-Reformation to Neoclassicism, Exoticism and even Art Nouveau. 218 illus., 43 in color.

Part of the series World of Art

Booko found 6 book editions

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Oct, 1999

United Kingdom Feb, 1985
New: $55.62

Used: $13.14
Dec, 1964

Used: $46.29
Jun, 1964
New: $191.90

Used: $30.43
Jan, 1964
New: $261.49

Used: $40.97

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