Francis Bacon

World of Art

Francis Bacon is considered to be one of the most important figure and portrait painters in Britain in the 20th century. This book places all aspects of his output in relation to his life, examining in depth the effects of his homosexuality and raunchy lif.

Part of the series World of Art

Booko found 7 book editions

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Feb, 2002
New: $136.37

Used: $26.27
Mar, 1997
New: $210.22

Used: $24.16
Feb, 1997
New: $81.60

Used: $30.18
Sep, 1996
New: $125.07

Used: $51.54
Mar, 1993
New: $107.87

Used: $94.38
Dec, 1986
New: $86.99

Used: $47.11
Dec, 1986
New: $41.99

Used: $54.05

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