Athenian Black Figure Vases
World of Art
John Boardman
Discusses the historical and artistic aspects of Athenian red figure vases of the classical period through the fourth century
Part of the series World of Art
Booko found 5 book editions
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New: $66.02
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New: $66.02
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$66.02 | $22.62 |
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Used: $19.10
New: $55.31
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$55.31 | $19.10 |
New: $186.57
Used: $30.81
New: $186.57
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$186.57 | $30.81 |
New: $214.39
Used: $37.64
New: $214.39
Used: $37.64
$214.39 | $37.64 |
New: $158.93
Used: $27.56
New: $158.93
Used: $27.56
$158.93 | $27.56 |
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