Memory in Death

In Death #22

Eve Dallas's "tough cop" exterior is shaken when her former foster mother demands money in exchange for protecting secrets from Dallas's childhood, a situation that becomes more complicated when the woman is found murdered.

Booko found 69 book editions

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Feb, 2019

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New: $40.82

Used: $26.50
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Oct, 2014
New: $12.31

Jan, 2014
New: $91.93

Used: $253.67
Sep, 2012
New: $16.03

Sep, 2012
New: $30.75

Used: $22.14
Jan, 2012

Used: $25.53
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Used: $23.91
May, 2010
New: $42.51

Dec, 2009
New: $41.90

May, 2008

Oct, 2007
New: $239.21

Used: $19.64
Jan, 2007

Jun, 2006

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