Seduction in Death

In Death #13

As Lieutenant Eve Dallas tracks a seductive and ruthless killer through the streets of twenty-first-century New York, she must also face brutal memories from her childhood.

Booko found 61 book editions

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Oct, 2018
New: $60.39

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Feb, 2017
New: $33.13

Used: $43.48
Feb, 2017

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Dec, 2013

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Jan, 2012
New: $46.93

Jan, 2012
New: $52.54

Aug, 2010
New: $31.98

Mar, 2010

Used: $511.25
Oct, 2009

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Nov, 2007

Oct, 2007
New: $32.32

Used: $33.75
Sep, 2006

Mar, 2005
New: $274.21

Used: $24.58
Jan, 2002

Used: $43.54
Sep, 2001
New: $11.99

Sep, 2001

New: $115.00

New: $46.93

May, 2014
New: $143.21

May, 2014
New: $143.21

Jan, 2013

Jan, 2013
New: $144.40

Jan, 2013

Jan, 2013
New: $138.08

Used: $467.58
Dec, 2012

United Kingdom Jan, 2012
New: $21.60

Used: $16.14
Sep, 2009
New: $352.42

Used: $262.87
Nov, 2008
New: $11.99

Nov, 2008
New: $11.99

Nov, 2007
New: $131.14

Used: $249.84

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