Big Jack

In Death #17.5

In 2059 New York City, NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas must use all of her skills to locate missing diamonds from a decades-old heist that have been surrounded by danger and death for years.

Booko found 21 book editions

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Feb, 2010
New: $54.88

Used: $44.37
Feb, 2010
New: $70.80

Feb, 2010

Feb, 2010
New: $382.21

Feb, 2010

New: $44.60

New: $44.89

New: $44.89

May, 2014

Aug, 2012

Aug, 2012

May, 2010

Feb, 2010

Feb, 2010

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Big Jack.