William Blake

World of Art

Prophet, poet, painter and engraver -- Blake's uniqueness lies in no single achievement, but in the whole of what he was, which is more than the sum of all that he did. So writes Kathleen Raine in this classic study of William Blake, a man for whom the arts were not an end in themselves, but expressed his vision of the spiritual drama of the English national being. Profusely illustrated, this volume presents a comprehensive view of Blake's artistic achievements and a compelling and moving portrait of the life and thought of an extraordinary genius.

Part of the series World of Art

Booko found 11 book editions

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Jan, 2022

Jan, 1975

Used: $50.02
Dec, 1969

Jan, 1951

Aug, 2019
New: $31.14

Used: $85.01
Jan, 1974

Used: $28.77
Nov, 1970
New: $39.49

Used: $18.80
Nov, 1970

Used: $23.70
Jan, 1970

Used: $38.60
Jan, 1980

Used: $52.27

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