Vengeance in Death

In Death #6

In "Naked in Death," Eve Dallas is in over her head when she breaks the rules and falls in love with Roarke, an Irish billionaire and a suspect in her most recent case, and in "Glory in Death," Eve Dallas suspects there is a link between the murders of two beautiful and highly successful women.

Booko found 78 book editions

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Sep, 2017

Used: $101.65
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Sep, 2016

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Feb, 2015

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Apr, 2011

Apr, 2011
New: $63.89

Apr, 2010
New: $16.03

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Used: $43.98
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Oct, 2007

Used: $41.76
Nov, 2006
New: $73.98

May, 2006

Jan, 2006
New: $100.91

Used: $30.42
Jan, 2006

Used: $30.63

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