
World of Art

A study of the world's most poignant and honest portrait painter.

Part of the series World of Art

Booko found 16 book editions

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Jul, 2009
New: $43.95

Jul, 2009

Jan, 1998
New: $30.79

Used: $15.62

Mar, 2019

United Kingdom Aug, 2006
New: $37.79

Used: $22.33
Jul, 2000
New: $38.90

Used: $27.73
Sep, 1998
New: $35.91

Used: $22.90
Mar, 1992
New: $18.91

Used: $13.12
Mar, 1992
New: $90.49

Used: $20.13
Mar, 1988
New: $68.19

Used: $23.95
Oct, 1977

Used: $13.92
Oct, 1968
New: $91.15

Used: $21.65
Oct, 1967
New: $214.43

Used: $50.40
New: $45.05

Used: $28.70

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Rembrandt.