Buried Prey

Lucas Davenport #21

Investigating the discovery of two bodies in a house demolition, Lucas Davenport identifies the victims as two girls who disappeared in 1985, a cold case that overshadowed the early years of his career. By the best-selling author of Storm Prey. 700,000 first printing.

Booko found 37 book editions

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May, 2013

Jan, 2011
New: $161.50

Used: $35.12

Sep, 2015
New: $82.39

Used: $14.60
United Kingdom Jul, 2012
New: $30.10

Used: $16.38
May, 2012

Used: $37.31
May, 2012

Used: $29.34
May, 2012
New: $23.01

Used: $13.50
Apr, 2012

Used: $41.16
Apr, 2012
New: $41.07

Used: $18.79
Jan, 2012
New: $157.61

Used: $29.59
Aug, 2011

Used: $72.62
Jul, 2011

Jul, 2011
New: $320.21

Used: $16.53
Jul, 2011
New: $16.99

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