Winter Prey

Lucas Davenport #5

Called in to assist the sheriff from a remote, rural area of Wisconsin in his investigation into a brutal triple homicide, Lucas Davenport begins to uncover a shocking series of vicious crimes that stun even Davenport with their evil intent.

Booko found 34 book editions

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United States Mar, 1994

Aug, 2019
New: $12.99

Aug, 2019

Nov, 2012
New: $52.43

Apr, 2012

Jun, 2011
New: $30.26

Used: $20.31
May, 2011

Used: $43.30
Nov, 2009
New: $21.63

Used: $17.58
Oct, 2005
New: $154.70

Used: $16.31
Apr, 2000
New: $139.07

United States Dec, 1995
New: $354.01

Nov, 1994
New: $158.12

Used: $40.15
United Kingdom Apr, 1994

Used: $13.51
Mar, 1994

Mar, 1994
New: $35.18

Used: $22.57
Mar, 1994

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