Certain Prey

Lucas Davenport #10

Attorney Carmel Loan is beautiful, intelligent, ambitious - and used to getting what she wants. When she becomes infatuated with fellow barrister Hale Allen, she isn't going to let a little thing like his being married get in the way. So, through the contacts of an ex-client, she hired professional killer Clara Rinker to get rid of Allen's wife. Smart, attractive Rinker is the best hitwoman in the business - but things go wrong, and the shooting of a witness, a cop, brings DI Lucas Davenport into the case. Carmel Loan and Clara Rinker team up to clean up the loose ends - which includes getting Davenport off their backs by whatever means necessary.

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Oct, 2012

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Used: $30.91
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Jun, 2004

Used: $9.50
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May, 1999

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Used: $85.77
Dec, 2019
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