Claudia and the Bad Joke

The Baby-Sitters Club #19

Claudia breaks her leg as a result of one of her new charge's practical jokes. Will this be the end of her baby-sitting career?

Part of the series The Baby-Sitters Club

Booko found 20 book editions

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Feb, 2022

May, 1989

Nov, 1988

Jan, 2020

Used: $98.90
Dec, 2012
New: $4.99

Dec, 2012
New: $4.99

Oct, 1999

Feb, 1999

Used: $18.79
United States Nov, 1996
New: $148.05

Used: $13.76
Sep, 1993
New: $65.99

Used: $38.32
Nov, 1988
New: $228.21

Used: $20.38
Nov, 1988

Jan, 1900
New: $188.57

Used: $20.47
United Kingdom Jul, 1991
New: $672.21

Used: $11.88

Used: $30.66
Sep, 1994

Used: $45.69
Jan, 1988

Mar, 2000

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