Asterix and the Laurel Wreath

Astérix #18

Chief Vitalstatistix rashly invites his brother-in-law to dine of a stew seasoned with Caesar's laurel wreath, so Asterix and Obelix must go to Rome to fetch those laurels. Hoping to get access to Caesar, they sell themselves as slaves - but can they do a deal with the corrupt Goldendelicius to swap the laurels for parsley? If so, it will be their own Roman triumph.

Booko found 10 book editions

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Jun, 2014
New: $10.99

United Kingdom Apr, 2005
New: $24.68

Used: $31.11
United Kingdom Apr, 2005
New: $21.79

Used: $24.29
Apr, 1995

Used: $14.24
Apr, 1995

Used: $17.20
Dec, 1990
New: $259.21

Jul, 1980

France Sep, 1999
New: $567.21

Used: $31.95
May, 1972
New: $164.78

Used: $17.91
Jan, 2004

Used: $31.45

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