Asterix and Cleopatra

Astérix #6

How can lovely Queen Cleopatra show Julius Caesar that ancient Egypt is still a great nation? Her architect Edifis recruits his Gaulish friends to help him build a magnificent palace within three months. There are villainous saboteurs to be outwitted, but Asterix, Obelix and Getafix still find time to go sight-seeing - and leave their mark on the pyramids and the Sphinx's nose.

Booko found 9 book editions

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Dec, 1990

Feb, 2014
New: $10.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2004
New: $21.33

Used: $15.43
Apr, 2004
New: $22.92

Used: $27.04
Sep, 1994

Used: $15.00
Nov, 1975

Used: $20.38
Oct, 2011
New: $163.21

Used: $30.68
Feb, 2005
New: $29.24

Used: $26.08
France Jun, 1999
New: $162.99

Used: $35.73

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