Hard Eight

Stephanie Plum Novels #8

When a senior citizen is charged with smuggling contraband cigarettes, Stephanie Plum and Lula get more than they bargained for--a corpse in the wood shed and an old man on the lam.

Booko found 17 book editions

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Mar, 2005

Used: $32.47
Jun, 2003

Used: $82.96
Dec, 2002

Jun, 2002
New: $106.85

Used: $20.55
Jun, 2002
New: $37.85

Used: $14.99
Mar, 2002

Used: $76.65

Oct, 2011
New: $11.99

Feb, 2007
New: $23.54

Used: $12.33
Jun, 2005
New: $90.77

Used: $83.15
Jun, 2005
New: $26.43

Used: $13.99
Jun, 2003
New: $165.00

Used: $8.00
Jun, 2003
New: $52.50

Jan, 2003

Used: $20.28
Jul, 2002
New: $156.61

Used: $203.89
United States Jul, 2002
New: $43.40

Used: $19.99
Jun, 2002
New: $79.83

Used: $24.81

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