Accountable Care. Bridging the Health Information Technology Divide. 1st Edition

Accountable Care: Bridging the Health Information Technology Divide, First Edition, (Bridging the Divide) is a book, 17 months in the making, that touches on many elements of this technological journey with a focal point of clinically integrated accountable care organizations (ACOs) at the epicenter. As the nation and global health system shifts focus from volume-driven care to performance and quality-driven care, leadership is returning to the provider. This is resulting in a greater emphasis on clinical and administrative performance and on the priority of improving population health. Three overarching influential factors touched on throughout the book are the aging of our US and global population, complexity of the healthcare system, and the continuous drive for new innovation. As a first edition text, Bridging the Divide starts a series that will focus on various aspects of health information technologies that are part of the future for accountable care organizations and other care delivery organizations.

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Oct, 2012

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