
A Journey Through the Chocolate Underbelly of America

A self-proclaimed candy fanatic and lifelong chocoholic, traces the history of some of the much-loved candies from his youth, describing the business practices and creative candy-making techniques of some of the small-time companies producing the addictive treats. Reprint.

Booko found 17 book editions and 2 video editions

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Jan, 2009

Oct, 2008

Apr, 2006

Apr, 2005

Apr, 2005

May, 2004

May, 2004

Mar, 2021
New: $96.99

Dec, 2008

Apr, 2005
New: $53.37

Used: $23.17
May, 2004
New: $37.98

United States May, 2004
New: $43.07

Used: $25.38
May, 2004

May, 2004

May, 2004

Jan, 2004
New: $193.21

New: $137.08

Used: $35.84

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