Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

'Above all, mine is a love story. And like most love stories, this one involves chance, gravity and a dash of head trauma.' When Naomi wakes up in a hospital to find that she can't remember the last three and a half years of her life, she has a lot to discover about herself. But she also has a unique chance to reinvent herself - after all, some things are best forgotten.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Apr, 2024
New: $21.00

Used: $17.09
Feb, 2024

Jun, 2009

Sep, 2007

Jul, 2009
New: $164.19

Jun, 2009
New: $30.94

Used: $14.49
United Kingdom Oct, 2007
New: $51.58

Used: $13.19
Sep, 2007

Aug, 2007
New: $47.67

Used: $20.77
Aug, 2007

Used: $44.48
Mar, 2019

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