Rabbit Redux

Rabbit Novels #2

In this sequel to Rabbit, Run, John Updike resumes the spiritual quest of his anxious Everyman, Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom. Ten years have passed; the impulsive former athlete has become a paunchy thirty-six-year-old conservative, and Eisenhower's becalmed America has become 1969's lurid turmoil of technology, fantasy, drugs, and violence. Rabbit is abandoned by his family, his home invaded by a runaway and a radical, his past reduced to a ruined inner landscape; still he clings to semblances of decency and responsibility, and yearns to belong and to believe.

Booko found 59 book editions

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Aug, 2015

Aug, 2010

Jul, 2010

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Jan, 2009

Jun, 2006

Jan, 1990
New: $62.35

Used: $22.13
Jan, 1982
New: $174.21

Used: $22.36
Jan, 1978

Mar, 1977

Used: $50.62
Sep, 1972

Used: $35.55
Apr, 1972

Used: $23.19

Aug, 2015
New: $33.55

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