What Janie Found

Janie Johnson series

The story began when teenage Janie Johnson recognized her younger self as The Face on the Milk Carton. It continued when she tried to fit in with her birth family, leaving her "real" parents grieving about Whatever Happened to Janie. The complicated saga took a vicious turn when Janie's boyfriend Reeve betrayed her, broadcasting her troubles as The Voice on the Radio. Finally, we are provided with a suspenseful, satisfying conclusion as Caroline B. Cooney reveals What Janie Found. The discovery that her adoptive father has been secretly supporting Janie's kidnapper, Hannah, fills Janie with anger and loathing. True, Hannah is his daughter, but long ago she abandoned her parents for a cult, coming back only for a few hours to leave a 3-year-old child with them she claimed was their granddaughter. Janie grew up thinking they were her parents--until that day when her own face looked back at her from the milk carton. Now her father lies unconscious in the hospital, and Janie has found an address in his files that will lead her to the woman who decimated two families. With the reluctant help of Reeve and her brother Brian, Janie sets out to find the enigmatic Hannah and face her down with questions, even though she knows the answers may destroy them all. Caroline Cooney is a master of the psychological page-turner, and here she pulls together all the threads of this emotionally complex story for a rousing finale to her most popular series. (Ag

Booko found 7 book editions

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Apr, 2009

United States Oct, 2008

Feb, 2002

United States Feb, 2002

United States Feb, 2002

Feb, 2002

May, 2012

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