Beasts of Gor


In this, the twelfth book in the famous Gor series, the fight for survival on the primitive, Earthlike world, Gor, continues with a ferocity that matches the rest of the series. On Gor, there are three different kinds of beings that are labeled beasts: there are the Kurii, a monster alien race that is preparing to invade Gor from space; the Gorean warriors, who fight with viciousness almost primitive in its blood lust' and then there are the slave girls of Gor, lowly beasts for men to do with as they see fi

Booko found 11 book editions

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May, 2014

Apr, 2014

Jun, 2007

Sep, 1979

Mar, 1978

Mar, 1978

Jan, 1978

Mar, 1978

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